Sister Wives

Will Janelle Brown Sue Kody For Her Investment In Coyote Pass?

Will Janelle Brown Sue Kody For Her Investment In Coyote Pass?

During the most recent season of Sister Wives, Janelle Brown expressed concern about leaving Kody. Unfortunately, part of the difficulty in separating from Kody Brown was the financial investments. Recently, fans discussed why Janelle hasn’t sued Kody and Robyn Brown for the money that she put into Coyote Pass.


Fans Wonder Why Janelle Brown Hasn’t Sued Kody

Although Janelle Brown says she and Kody didn’t divorce, she should get something out of the property investment from the plural marriage. Admittedly, Janelle says she is a smart woman, but did a dumb thing tying up all her money in the Coyote Pass property. Sadly, she realized that she bought into the family structure and is now broke in her fifties.

Coyote Pass division of lots. - TLC Sister Wives
Coyote Pass division of lots. – TLC Sister Wives

In a Reddit thread, one user brings up Janelle Brown and the money she contributed to Kody and Robyn Brown for Coyote Pass. They say, “Can Janelle sue Kody for her financial contributions to Kody and Robyn’s home as well as land on Coyote Pass?” Then the user adds, “Because she is not legally married, she did have a financial stake in the old LLC. Doesn’t seem fair that she worked her whole time with Kody, raised his six kids he fathered with her and she is left with nothing under her name.”

Other Fans Give Their Opinion

After the initial conversation began about Janelle Brown, other Sister Wives fans gave their opinions on the financial matter.

  • “Depending upon agreements and contractual obligations it’s possible that they have a few remedies available.”
  • But one fan points out it may be a “gift” on paper, “She probably had to write a gift letter for the money she gave them for their house. It would have explicitly stated that it was a gift, not a loan and she couldn’t ask for it back later, nor did she have any claim to the property the gift was used to purchase.” Also explains, “People gift money for houses all the time and lenders want to ensure that they aren’t going to come back for that money later, putting their lenders at risk for not being able to pay their mortgage.” Then adding, “She made really bad financial decisions and Kody takes advantage of vulnerable women.”
  • Another user wonders, “The proceeds went into the LLC and were then paid out from the LLC. I’ve never heard anyone say it was ‘gifted to’…… Doesn’t mean it was no longer Janelle’s actual capital, just like it was Robyn’s capital.”
Fans discuss Janelle Brown's options with the financial situation. - Sister Wives - Reddit
Fans discuss Janelle Brown’s options with the financial situation. – Sister Wives – Reddit

Janelle Brown Was Part Of The Communal Account

As the conversation continues about Janelle Brown on Reddit, other fans discuss the communal account the Sister Wives families operate under.

  • “They kept their money in a communal account. Each woman got so much a month from said account etc. So I imagine she put the money in the communal account that Kody used for his home loan with Robyn. I’m sure she was promised she would get what she needed to build on Coyote Pass. Christine and Meri were smart to use their house money before Kody came up with some hare brained scheme.”
  • With this information, one person says, “If she was a partner in the LLC than she owns a portion of it, no?” Then another fan answers, “Yes, CP should be easy due to that. Gifting money to the LLC to pay Robyn’s down payment would make it harder to show it is owed back.”
  • “Hopefully, she put that money into the family account.” Continuing, “And Kody wrote a check from it instead of given as a ‘gift’.” Another adds, “She put the money in a joint checking account and another owner on the account used it to buy a house. Its gone.”
Janelle Brown & Kids From Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced From @janellebrown117 Instagram
Kody and Janelle Brown’s Kids – Instagram

Kody Has Made Many Verbal Promises To Janelle Brown

Additionally, Sister Wives fans point out that Kody made verbal commitments to Janelle Brown on camera.

  • “It is a very tricky and messy case…but imo what they have working for them is they are on TV. There is hours of footage of Kody talking about the family pot and shared family finances. Even Robyn said on TV that a wife should be allowed to leave. And if the legal courts don’t work or are too long and expensive, I hope the ladies use the court of public opinion. Confront that man on camera.”
  • “Verbal commitments were made by Kodi on TV. He set the expectations. He is accountable legally for those expectations.”

Sister Wives: Janelle CRIES She Has No Money Amid Looming Kody Split

Do you think Janelle Brown will sue Kody and Robyn for her portion of the contributions? Do you think she has a case? Have you experienced anything similar? Are you hoping for new episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your thoughts in the comments section below.

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