90 Day Fiancé

Why 90 Day Fiancé Fans Think Bilal Despises Shaeeda

Why 90 Day Fiancé Fans Think Bilal Despises Shaeeda

90 Day Fiancé fans question why Bilal and Shaeeda are together when it’s clear he can’t stand her. Will Shaeeda realize this and leave him?

90 Day Fiancé season 9 has been a roller coaster of emotions and tension with Bilal Hazziez and Shaeeda Sween, as fans have been shocked by Bilal’s horrendous treatment of his fiancé, leading viewers to believe he despises her. Many fans have questioned why Bilal brought Shaeeda to the U.S. in the first place. He clearly holds nothing but contempt for her.

Shaeeda, a 37-year-old yoga instructor from Trinidad and Tobago, met Bilal through mutual friends online before meeting her in her home country. They had a Nikah, or spiritual marriage under Islam but have yet to legally tie the knot in the U.S. Since arriving in the U.S., Bilal has lied to and “tested” Shaeeda several times while constantly lecturing and criticizing her. He also insisted on her signing a prenup even after she made it clear she was uncomfortable doing so. For these reasons and many more is why fans are convinced Bilal can’t stand his Shaeeda.

90 Day Fiancé fans on Reddit have openly spoken about Bilal and Shaeeda’s dysfunctional relationship. Viewers see Bilal as narcissistic, controlling, and manipulative towards Shaeeda, treating her like a child rather than an adult or his equal. From taking her to his dilapidated childhood home and lying about where he lives to test her loyalty to utilizing “romantic” outings in order to drop Shaeeda with topics like a prenup and his disinterest in more children. Clearly, Bilal doesn’t trust or adore his fiancé, which is unusual in a normal relationship. Fans have noted that Bilal never seems excited by Shaeeda’s presence either and only smiles when he is trying to manipulate or test her loyalty.

Bilal Hazziez and Shaeeda Sween from 90 Day Fiancé.

Fans have rushed to defend Shaeeda from Bilal’s harsh criticisms, as she’s quickly become a fan favorite for her caring attitude and ability to stick up for herself. She has called out Bilal for his neverending lectures, attempts at manipulation, and overall grumpy attitude. However, viewers question why Shaeeda seems intent on staying with Bilal despite his bad qualities. Unlike Bilal, Shaeeda wants to have a family and is becoming concerned about her window to have children as she gets older. Her want to have kids now may be why the 90 Day Fiancé star is trying to make her relationship with Bilal work no matter what. For Bilal’s part, fans are convinced that he is looking for a submissive wife, who he can easily control, but got more than he bargained for with confident, headstrong Shaeeda.

Some viewers believe Bilal is simply a man who has been hurt by past relationships and is looking to protect himself by keeping an emotional distance. However, even if this is the case, it is clear he is taking out past traumas on Shaeeda, which is unfair to her. Fans hope that Shaeeda will see the truth of their relationship and get herself out of this toxic situation. Nonetheless, it appears that Shaeeda and Bilal are most likely still together, as she has defended him on social media when fans have come to her defense and questioned her decision to stay with him. Viewers eagerly await the remaining episodes of 90 Day Fiancé season 9, so they can find out what happens between Shaeeda and Bilal.

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