The Bold and the Beautiful

Steffy Comes to a Horrific Realization — and Sheila Provokes Li Into an Attack and Death Threat

At the cliff house, Finn tells Steffy he knows this is an enormous shock, but it’s true. Steffy says, “Sheila’s dead. Don’t try to tell me otherwise.” Finn insists it was not Sheila, it was Sugar. They’re identical in every way except one. “Sugar has ten toes.”
Steffy Finn B&B

In the hospital, Sheila cracks up under the sheet as Li asks why she is covered up. “I knew someone named Sheila. She had a missing toe too. The middle digit. Black nail polish… just like you. Who are you? Answer me! Who are you? Answer me!” Li sniffs that she’s not amused. She can’t examine her if she can’t see her face. She pulls the sheet off and reveals Sheila, who laughs and mocks her as the doctor screams her head off.









Li gasps, “No! You died!” Sheila grins, “Did I?” She thinks she’s looking pretty good for a corpse. Li shakes her head, “No, no, no. Not possible. Steffy killed you. She stabbed you.” Sheila giggles that she really needs to get control of herself. She’s sensing hypersensitivity here. Li gasps, “How is this happening?” Sheila says it was Finn. They all tried so hard to drive a wedge between them, but her wonderful son is the reason she’s there. “I am here because of my son, Finn.” Li hyperventilates and cries, “No!”

At Forrester, Liam wonders if Hope is claiming that Deacon was right all along. Ridge barks that it’s not the most important thing, is it? Hope says they deserved to know. “Sheila Carter is alive.” Ridge thinks it’s far-fetched to believe Sheila didn’t die that night. Hope insists it was Sugar. Liam looks her up on the laptop and says she was released not that long ago. Ridge sighs. Liam tells Hope this is crazy. He and Ridge try to piece together that Sheila was chained up in a warehouse by the person that Steffy actually killed. Hope says, “Yes. Sheila Carter is alive.”

At the cliff house, Finn insists, “Sheila is alive.” Steffy says she stabbed her, “Right there.” Finn takes her hand. “No, that’s what I’m telling you. You didn’t do that.”
Steffy Finn B&B

They sit and Finn says, “It’s OK. You’re stunned, of course. I was too when I realized all of this.” Steffy scoffs, “Sheila is alive, and Sugar looks exactly like Sheila. Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds?” Finn says it’s somehow true. Steffy asks, “Who told you this?!” Finn says his mother told him. Steffy asks, “Li?” Finn says no, his mother, Sheila. Steffy throws her hands up. “Sheila is dead, Finn.” Finn replies, “Sugar is dead. She’s the one who wanted to hurt you, it wasn’t Sheila.” He goes on about how Lauren’s story filled in a lot of the blanks. Steffy asks, “Where is the evidence?” Finn insists Deacon wasn’t hallucinating. He thought he saw ten toes in the crematorium because he did. He’s not taking anyone’s word for it because he saw Sheila. “I saw her with my own eyes!”

In the hospital, Li fumes, “What did you do to my son? What did you do to Finn?!” Sheila rips out her IV and grits, “Our son. Why do you always forget that?” Li gasps, “Where is he?” Sheila says he’s probably spreading the good news to his wife. “Mama’s alive.” Li spits, “You’re nothing to him!” Sheila asks, “Then why did he save me?” He’s a wonderful, strong boy who loves his birth mother. He’s happy to have her back in his life. “I wish you could have heard the beautiful things he had to say. He even called me mom.” Li lunges at Sheila and they wrestle until Deacon comes in and pulls them apart.

Sheila tells the stunned nurse that she would like to see another doctor given Li’s bedside manner is a little harsh. Li screams at her, “I don’t know how you did it. I don’t know how you cheated death, but you will never do it again. I will kill you with my own hands. Sheila, I will kill you! I will kill you!” Sheila snuggles into Deacon’s chest and gives an evil smile.

At Forrester, Ridge still isn’t buying what Hope’s selling. Hope tells him and Liam that Finn believes it too. She explains how Deacon and Finn found Sheila in the warehouse. “They rescued her. And just so you know, they are both happy that she is alive. Finn is excited to have a second chance with his birth mother.” Liam and Ridge are stunned. He’s choosing Sheila over Steffy? Hope explains he’s hoping Steffy will be relieved that she didn’t kill his mom. Ridge bellows that nobody will be relieved and if Finn thinks that, he’s got another thing coming!

At the cliff house, Finn insists he saw Sheila. “We took her back to Deacon’s apartment. We found her, we saved her. My mother’s alive.” Steffy says Sheila is not his mother, Li is, and Sheila’s dead. “This is really starting to freak me out.” Finn knows it’s shocking and confusing but it’s a good thing for all of them. She just needs to give it time. She insists this isn’t real. Finn says it is. “My birth mother is alive.”

In the hospital, the nurse puts Sheila back on the IV as Deacon acts protective. The nurse exits and Sheila smirks that Li got the shock of her life. Deacon says that was not very nice. Sheila laughs that it was a harmless prank. She needed to know that Finn’s birth mother was alive. She giggles about the look on her face. Deacon muses, “Wait until you see the look on everyone else’s face when they realize Sheila Carter is back from the dead… again.”

At Forrester, Ridge says his daughter is going to be horrified. Finn must know that. Liam smirks, “What the hell is wrong with him?!” Hope snarks, “Finn can’t be happy that his birth mother isn’t dead?” She tries to defend him, saying it was Sugar who broke into the house that night, not Sheila. Ridge points out it was Sheila all the other times and reminds her she attempted to kill them. If Finn wants her back in their lives, he’s going to have a problem. Liam rants that he will too since his daughter lives over there. “If Sheila’s actually alive, none of us can relax. Ever again.” Hope shakes her head, “Finn doesn’t believe that.” Liam exclaims, “Because he’s an idiot!!” Hope argues that Sheila tried to stop Sugar and save Steffy and the kids. Ridge barks, “Says who?” Hope replies, “Finn!” He believes that she is reformed. Liam shakes his head.

At the cliff house, Finn tells Steffy he knows she’s been struggling with this for weeks. She shoots him a leery look and says, “So have you. More than I realized.” Finn recaps that he and Deacon found his birth mother. Steffy repeats that Sheila is dead. Finn argues that they found her in time. She’s alive and he’s thankful. Steffy gawps, “After everything she did to us? We worked really hard to put her behind us.” Finn says, “Yeah, and it’s been difficult. Because the woman that I love killed the mother that I never got a chance to help” Steffy cries, “That was self-defense.” Finn knows, but they don’t have to worry about that anymore. Steffy begins to panic, “The woman that came in her, that wasn’t Sheila?” Finn insists he’s telling her the truth. As reality sets in, Steffy gasps, “What? That was Sugar. Sugar was in our home?” Finn nods. Steffy agonizes as she recaps that Sheila was in a warehouse and Finn and Deacon saved her. Grabbing her head she exclaims, “Is any of this real right now?! Sheila Carter is alive. Sheila’s alive!” She looks horrified as the camera pans in.

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