Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Shock Pregnancy Ties Theresa & Alex Despite Expose

Days of Our Lives spoilers - Alex -Theresa

Theresa has really landed herself in a rather sticky situation with Alex, point Days of Our Lives Spoilers. She had cahooted with Konstantin to forge Victor’s will to make Alex look like his heir. Only to seduce him and become his plus one on his way to extreme wealth left behind by Victor.

However, we know that Konstantin’s cover is already blown. Days of Our Lives Spoilers tease that Maggi is waiting for the right time to pull off a grand expose in front of everyone. Thus, it is safe to assume that once Konstantin’s mask is stripped, he will lose no time before exposing Theresa’s role in the treachery.

Days of Our Lives spoilers- Theresa-Konstantin

Which means, Alex will certainly break off his romantic ties to her then and there. After all, not only has Theresa deceived him, she has also shaken up any life he knew previously. Moreover, once the truth spills, he will lose all his inherited wealth to Xander Cook. That certainly will sting!

Although, there is one thing that could save Theresa from actually losing it all, tease Days of Our Lives Spoilers. In fact, it holds the potential to make things really –really messy for her and Alex. If you’ll noticed, in a recently aired episode, Theresa brought up the idea of Alex having heirs of his own. But he rejected the idea, saying that other DiMeras can continue the line.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers - Theresa-Alex

We wonder if Alex specifically mentioning that he is not the fatherly type, a prelude to what’s to come next! Imagine not wanting to be a dad, and then finding the woman you just dumped being pregnant with your baby! Aaah, what a soapy mess, no?

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