Sister Wives

Sister Wives: How Fans Drove Robyn Brown Off Instagram (Do You Think These 8 Instagram Comments Are Too Harsh?)

How Fans Drove Robyn Brown Off Instagram (Do You Think These 8 Instagram Comments Are Too Harsh?)

Sister Wives star Robyn Brown’s mourning Garrison Brown’s passing. Long before that tragic event took place, she stopped posting at Instagram.


  •  Garrison Brown’s passing has devastated the Brown family. Robyn is grieving.
  •  Cyberbullying against Robyn continues despite the family’s tragic loss. Fans blame her for the Brown family’s problems.
  •  The Brown family (including Robyn) doesn’t need to be judged right now. It’s a time for compassion and understanding.

Sister Wives star Garrison Brown just passed away (this is so sad), days after posting about adopting a cat – while he hadn’t abandoned social media before his tragic death, Robyn Brown stopped posting years ago. Robyn’s been cyberbullied with a vengeance. No one could possibly be as bad as she’s made out to be, but many people think that Robyn ruined the Brown family. While Janelle Brown was worried about her sons’ mental health back in 2023, few people care about Robyn’s state of mind.

Is Robyn okay? She may suffer because of the things that people say.

Robyn, like the other Browns, will mourn Garrison’s passing. However, as she’s perceived as a villain, she may feel guilt, fear and desolation. Right now, Janelle’s going through hell and so is Kody Brown. Their son was a wonderful person who loved animals. Janelle noticed him becoming




last year, as per InTouch Weekly, possibly due to tensions within the family. Problems at home create pain that hurts children. Garrison’s passing is terrible, and people may be looking for someone to blame, but it’s better to just be compassionate. No one wanted this to happen. Everyone is hurting, including Robyn.

8These women bent over backwards and twisted themselves in knots for you and you destroyed everything.

A Fan Blasted Robyn Brown For Saying She Was Never Part Of The Brown Family

Robyn and Kody are a united front, mostly, and their

“us against the world”

attitude has made Sister Wives fans turn against them. A lot of people who watch the show consider Robyn a passive-aggressive woman who plays the victim while pulling the strings behind the scenes. This assessment is harsh, but sometimes, it does seem like Robyn gets her way by influencing Kody. When Robyn complains about never feeling like a part of the Brown family, she inflames the fan base. The person who accused Robyn of destroying the family, as per Kody’s fourth wife’s Instagram account, had no pity for her.

Did Robyn ruin the family? Kody fell in love with her. That didn’t seem like something that he could control. It just happened. He may not have expected to ever feel that way about anyone. Since he was totally in love with Robyn, he started distancing himself from the other wives. Kody may have felt like he was cheating when he was with Janelle, Christine and Meri Brown. Kody found out that he was a one-woman man. That created so many complications – they were polygamists who were famous for being polygamists.

Robyn’s easy to dislike, but she probably has a lot of good qualities. It may be time to focus on those.

The true love situation, and there’s no doubt that Kody truly loves Robyn, would be so romantic in other circumstances. In the context of plural marriage, it was like a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time until Kody couldn’t bring himself to act out the charade for one more day. Unfortunately, many people were hurt by Kody’s devotion to Robyn. They felt neglected and undervalued. They were angry, but repressed a lot of it until season 18, when it came pouring out.

The patriarch loves his children, although Kody feuded with some of them. Garrison’s passing is the worst thing that’s ever happened to him, like a waking nightmare. Suicide is an awful thing – the kind of despair that leads to such an act is overpowering. While suicide hasn’t been conclusively stated as the cause of death, it’s been recorded by police (as per People) as an

“apparent suicide.”

No one should be judged for committing suicide. The people left behind shouldn’t be judged either. Right now, everyone involved in this situation is judging themselves. They are thinking every bad thought that people can think. They are tearing themselves apart, trying to sort out what happened. They are struggling to accept what is real because it is so painful.

People who are going through these life-altering and traumatic circumstances should not be judged, but maybe some of them will be.

When celebrities sign up to be reality TV stars, they know they’ll be judged, but may not realize just how bad it’s going to get. Kody’s fourth wife was probably shocked by the hate. Robyn was painted as a Disney villain and black widow spider. Of course, she’s not all bad. It’s just the nature of reality TV – people who watch want drama, and they’re going to watch, get emotional, and express their thoughts online. That happens to all reality stars.

Robyn had to turn away from Instagram, probably because it became too much to handle.

Going quiet on IG was probably a smart decision. If Robyn posted right now, in the wake of such a painful tragedy, some people, perhaps hiding behind anonymity, would be extremely cruel. When Robyn bailed out on Instagram, she was surely doing what was best for her mental health, and for her children.

Every time people post about the show online or write articles, they should be mindful of the fact that they may hurt someone who’s already struggling. It’s so hard to know what’s really going on inside another person, including a reality star.

7I’ve never witnessed someone be more self righteous than you and kovid Kody.

A Sister Wives Viewer Thinks Robyn & Kody Brown Are Holier Than Thou

Via Robyn‘s Instagram, a Sister Wives fan got vicious, calling out Robyn and Kody’s:

self righteous

conduct during the COVID-90 pandemic. Kody was ultra-cautious, doing everything possible to avoid contracting the virus. A lot of Sister Wives fans were probably doing the same thing, but that didn’t stop them from judging. Unfortunately, when Kody sequestered himself with Robyn, and asked the other wives to follow his strict rules, he alienated some of his kids. They missed their father. Under all their anger, they were sad. They wanted his love and attention.

Rest in peace Garrison:

Garrison Brown was born October 31, 1998
Garrison Brown passed away on March 5, 2024 (aged 25)

It was a tough situation. Kody was right to worry about COVID. In his mind, he probably strongly believed that he was doing what was best for everyone. There was no way for him to know what would happen. Janelle was concerned about Garrison and Gabriel Brown’s mental health during this precarious time. She probably worried a lot. Janelle and Kody love their children. They are parents who lost a child, but it’s not fair to say that it’s only Robyn’s fault that the family fell apart.

A range of factors acted on the Browns – the most obvious problem was a relationship model (polygamy) that set the stage for so much heartache among parents and their children. The patriarch is supposed to love all his wives, but real love doesn’t work that way. When a person’s truly in love, they won’t look at another person and want them. So, Kody was in a real bind. He loved Robyn – he only wanted her.

Now that the Brown family has changed, and Garrison is gone, it’s so easy to say, “they did this or they did that.” But again, who knew that such a horrible thing would happen? Yes, Janelle had concerns, but she surely had no idea that her son would take his own life. Of course, she didn’t know! Robyn and Kody didn’t either.

To call Kody and Robyn “self righteous” is… self righteous. They have problems, for sure. Their main problem was that they just wanted to be with each other, leaving three other wives in the lurch. Some children felt that it was all about Robyn and the kids she shared with Kody. There were so many hurt feelings and strong, negative emotions. It was a troubled situation. However, only Garrison, who will be missed, knew everything that he was feeling.

As seen in the E News clip shown above, via YouTube, Garrison was a sweet person who brought joy to the lives of those around him. His problems were serious but he was a good person. Janelle’s heart is breaking and she will need a lot of time to heal. She was a very loving mother.

6My sister wives closet is a good concept but whoever chooses the items have no taste.

Of Course, Robyn Brown Was The One Who Chose The Items

Robyn took control of My Sisterwife’s Closet, becoming its designer and leader. This may have irked the other wives. Robyn already got the lion’s share of Kody’s love, attention and resources. Now, she was taking something else. For a while, the arrangement seemed to work, but then things went awry. Robyn began to falter as a businesswoman. The company ground to a halt, and on Robyn‘s IG, one fan shaded her, deeming the jewelry designs tacky.

They may be right, but comments like this are the reason why Robyn’s not active on Instagram today. These scathing remarks may have pushed her to stop producing My Sisterwife’s Closet designs. What seemed like a great business idea just didn’t come together. Now, the company’s official website is in limbo – there may never be progress there. Possibly, under Robyn’s stewardship, the firm was not profitable. A lot of mystery surrounds My Sisterwife’s Closet.

5I’m tired of seeing her cry…

Robyn Brown’s Not Exactly A Fan Favorite

Robyn earned the unwanted nickname Sobbin’ Robyn because she seemed to cry at the drop of a hat. Now that Garrison’s passed away, she has good reason to sob. This tragedy is so horrible, it’s probably making Robyn and other Brown family members wish that they’d never signed on to do the show. Reality TV fame is hard on kids. Likewise, those who cover the show or comment about it online are probably questioning themselves and wishing they could take things back.

It’s all terrible, but before the tragedy, Robyn still got attacked. Her crying got on viewers’ nerves – some considered the waterworks

crocodile tears

Robyn may be crying right now and if she is, her tears are definitely real. Now, what seemed like a wild circus (the Brown family’s ups and downs) is something different. Rather than almost cartoonish Sister Wives drama, there is real pain. The family’s problems may not have been all that was hurting Garrison and pushing him into despair. Other factors were probably affecting him. However, since the family imploded recently, it seems like the Brown family’s problems were the catalyst for a heartbreaking event that no one fully anticipated. This may or may not be true.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the signs that someone is thinking about suicide:

aren’t always obvious

The same source revealed some things that are common among people who are considering suicide, including:

  • mood swings
  • giving away belongings
  • saying goodbye as though it’s the last time they will be seeing people
  • hopelessness
  • agitation

4She played meri and Janelle because she wanted them to pay for her and her kids lives.

Sister Wives’ Robyn Brown Always Gets Blamed

Robyn gets the blame for everything. According to TMZ, Garrison sent a concerning text before his passing, which was directed at some members of the Sister Wives production crew. It wasn’t a mean text, but it showed glimmers of his inner life. He said,

“I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can’t. I miss these days.”

That text wasn’t for Sister Wives‘ Janelle Brown, but she found out about it and her female intuition went into overdrive. She felt that something was wrong and started texting her son. They chatted a bit via text and things seemed okay. However, he bailed out of the chat. At that point, she became extremely concerned and asked someone to check on her son.

Sadly, it was too late. Garrison, who allegedly had an addiction to alcohol, was already gone. This is so sad – it’s wrenching for the whole family – for Robyn, too. Garrison may have wanted privacy, rather than to be on television. Since alcohol’s a depressant, any drinking he allegedly did might have darkened his mood. Now, the boy who loved his mother so much has passed away. That is not something Robyn or anyone else should be blamed for.

Yes, some of Kody’s children felt that his love for Robyn led him to put all of his time and energy into their relationship and their children. Those thoughts were communicated onscreen during Sister Wives season 18. However, Kody shouldn’t be blamed for this either. Families can have serious problems… a lot more serious than they appear to other people. Garrison may have had mental health issues that led him to make this tragic choice. Right now, assigning blame is the worst thing that a Sister Wives fan can do.

In fact, any mean comments that the family gets right now are totally inappropriate – these remarks may be seen and do great emotional damage. The Browns are deep in grief, and it’s going to be a hard road for all of them. This type of loss is so severe that it changes the lives of those left behind forever. So, everyone should be careful not to hurt the family as they try to accept what’s happened. There’s no getting over something like this. There’s only acceptance.

Janelle tried to save her son. She was there, valiantly attempting to make sure he was okay. She loved him. He loved her.

3You mean the NANNY makes life Ahhhmazing for the kids!!!!!

Robyn Brown Always Gets Mom-Shamed

Robyn‘s been mom-shamed over and over again. She’s a human being like everyone else, but the fact that Kody so obviously preferred her brings out the very worst in some Sister Wives fans. They are unable to get past this, and think that she’s the reason why a happy family became unhappy. Is it really that simple? No, definitely not. Was the family ever really that happy? Probably not.

There were good times in the early seasons and now is the time to really treasure those memories. Unfortunately, a lot of viewers seem to use hating Robyn as an outlet. They express their own negative emotions while they attack her. This is the pattern that’s emerged. People forget that Robyn’s a wife, mother and human being. They paint her as a villain and she may deserve some shade, but the mom-shaming’s out of hand.

When she got called out for hiring a nanny, it was just another example of how people put Robyn in a “princess” role. They think she has it easy. Imagine what her life’s like right now! Garrison’s gone, she knows she’s going to get blamed, and she lives with Kody, who just lost his own child. Robyn does not have it easy. She will not have it easy from this point on.

For years, she’s been dragged online, and that’s why she’s not posting on Instagram now. She knows better. Thousands of hateful comments have come her way over the years. Instagram’s not a safe place for Robyn. Of course, she loves her children and tries to take care of them as best she can. The fact that Robyn hired a nanny isn’t a crime.

2Did I say pathetic reach for validation?

Robyn Brown Got Dragged For Posting A Cute Picture

Robyn posted a cute selfie, and, perhaps because she looked so good, fans began to throw shade. In the post above, Robyn smiled and held some flowers. It’s the type of post that any woman might add when she’s happy, but a lot of Sister Wives fans don’t want Robyn to be happy. That’s why they try to make her feel bad.

In their eyes, Robyn’s a monster, but really, she’s just a typical woman who wanted a man all to herself. Few women really enjoy sharing their partners. So, that’s not actually so monstrous. The issue is that she wasn’t totally upfront about that. She played the part of a caring sister wife. Underneath, she was interested in being monogamous with Kody. Women should ask themselves, “Would I want my husband all to myself?” If they’re honest, they’d probably say yes.

1Delete this picture, it’s so clear to see how you really feel.

One Fan Thinks Robyn Brown Shouldn’t Have Posted About Christine Brown

Robyn posted a picture of Christine and fans went on the offensive. They don’t think that she cares about Christine. In some respects, they may have a point, as the two women feuded. However, Robyn’s feelings for Christine may have been complicated rather than non-existent. In other words, she might have liked her sometimes and disliked her other times. So, the fact that Robyn posted this might not have been totally insincere.

To expand on that type of example, Robyn and Janelle weren’t close, but Robyn probably feels very sorry for Janelle right now, and sincerely cares that her son is gone. People aren’t always so black and white. Fans believe that they understand Robyn, but her inner world features thoughts and emotions that they don’t see.

Sister Wives‘ Robyn has been placed in a no-win situation. If she’s nice, she’s labeled fake. If she’s mean, she’s criticized. She knows all of this and that’s why she’s not active on Instagram today, even when she’d probably like to honor Garrison. It’s a time for Sister Wives fans to dial down the hate and see the bigger picture. Someone is gone and that’s far more important than the petty slights and feuds.

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