Days Of Our Lives

Here’s Why Brady and Alex Suspect Theresa On Days of our Lives June 27

Brady and Alex began to realize it’s possible that Theresa knew Alex was Victor’s heir before he did.

Brady, Alex, Theresa, Bonnie, and Sarah with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.

Brady and Alex thought back to when they were in Greece with Theresa, on the June 27 episode of Days of Our Lives and realized there was a time when she may have learned Alex was Victor’s son. Plus, Theresa tried hard to stop Sarah from inviting Xander’s mother to their wedding.

Eric and Brady Are Smarter Than They Look

Brady (Eric Martsolf) came to terms with the fact that Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) and Theresa (Emily O’Brien) got engaged. He tried to politely warn Alex about her gold-digging ways, but Alex felt she was into him before anyone knew he was the Kiriakis heir. However, as they reflected upon their time in Greece, Eric realized there was a gap where Theresa was alone with the information, because her dad Shane Donovan (Charles Shaugnessey) brought them a briefcase recovered from Victor’s (John Aniston) plane crash, and reluctantly left it with her. She, of course, peeked and found his will naming Xander as his heir, so she quickly changed it to Alex.

The only one who knew what she did was Konstantin (John Kapelos), who is now pushing up the daisies. While Theresa thinks she’s in the clear on that end of things, Alex began to grow suspicious because she had a large amount of time alone with the briefcase and could very well have found out he would be coming into money, which would explain why she worked her way into his life. There’s a lot of digging that needs to be done there, but thankfully, the show is treating the characters intelligently, so they’ll eventually figure it out.

Tried to Stop Sarah From Inviting Xander’s Mom

Sarah (Lindsey Godfrey) was excited to get her wedding invitations in the mail, so she recruited Bonnie (Judi Evans) and a reluctant Theresa to help her. As they discussed the fact that Sarah could get the address for Xander’s mother, this made Theresa very uncomfortable.

She tried hard to talk Sarah out of inviting the woman, and when that failed, she tried tossing the invite into the trash. But Bonnie found it, thinking Sarah dumped it, threw a stamp on it, and sent it on its way. Although she hasn’t come out and verbalized it, Theresa’s been clearly worried that Xander’s mom will confirm having an affair with Victor, making everyone start to realize that perhaps Alex is not the true heir.

Sarah’s crafty, but her guile only goes so far, and watching her deal with every little clue that comes out is like watching her try to plug leaks in a dam as they continually spring up all over the place. When the truth does eventually come out, she may just have an anxiety attack and pass out.

Pop Culture Reference of the Day

Much like the May 22 episode, we have another reference to the 1976 horror film Carrie, directed by Brian De Palma, starring Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie, and was written by Stephen King. While licking the envelopes of Sara’s wedding invitations, Bonnie casually asked Theresa, “So, Theresa, I know we talked about the chaperoning before, but how was the actual prom? Anybody get doused with a bucket of blood?” Theresa’s eyes widened and she responded, “Oh, you like that movie, too?” Surprised, Bonnie countered, “They made a movie about the Last Blast Dance at Salem High?” Hearing this, Sarah couldn’t believe her ears and said, “What?”

Bonnie explained, “Oh, yeah. The high school dance 20 years ago. Mimi (Farah Fath) told me a couple of kids tried to dump blood on poor Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin).” Theresa replied, “Well, I would not have minded if somebody wanted to pour blood on Holly Jonas (Ashley Puzemis).” The Last Blast Dance occurred in 2001 at Salem High, where some teens planned to dump a bucket of fake blood on the bullied and tormented Chloe, but Sean Brady (then-Jason Cook) knocked her out of the way, saving her from humiliation.

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