Sister Wives

Robyn Leave?! Kody Brown’s Got A Rough Road Ahead!

Robyn Leave?! Kody Brown’s Got A Rough Road Ahead!

Sister Wives’ dad Kody Brown is grieving the loss of his son Garrison Brown. His life will never be the same. Will the famous patriarch be okay?

  •  Kody Brown’s tragic loss of his son Garrison has left him processing immense grief, impacting his marriage with Robyn.
  •  Kody and Robyn’s intense vigilance during the pandemic strained their relationships with the other wives and their kids.
  •  Kody and Robyn are facing harsh judgment from fans – some think that Kody didn’t give Garrison enough love.

Sister Wives star Kody Brown’s suffering right now as he’s lost his son, Garrison Brown, who voiced his issues with his father onscreen in the past. Since he and Garrison did have some problems, Kody must be incredibly sad. He’s probably feeling very bad about everything that happened and wishing it could have been different. While Garrison’s in Heaven now, free of emotional turmoil after allegedly living with alcohol addiction, Kody’s still here on earth, processing a tragic event that’s totally heartbreaking.

In Sister Wives season 18, Kody was irritable, self-pitying and angry. His mood swings were dramatic. Janelle Brown swore at him onscreen – their drama played out as they sat on the couch of the small Arizona apartment that she was renting. When things got too heated, he’d pull on his brown leather jacket and flee. Janelle didn’t like the fact that Kody basically sealed himself off from her and their children, including Garrison, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The kids didn’t like it, either. While no one’s to blame for Garrison’s suicide, Kody’s issues with his son may haunt him.

The Pandemic Played A Pivotal Role In Kody Brown’s Life Story

Montage Of Kody Garrison Brown Sister Wives both looking sad

When the pandemic started, most people were afraid. It was such a strange time. People were dying, there were no vaccines, and basic supplies, such as toilet paper, were often hard to find. Some people reacted by choosing hypervigilance. They chose to sequester themselves and never went out of their bubbles. Kody decided that intense vigilance was right for the Brown family. He and Robyn, and the kids they share, followed the strictest rules. Even mail had to be wiped down by gloved hands before it was opened.

Janelle and her children by Kody balked at these rules, finding them too extreme. They preferred to follow CDC guidelines, which were more relaxed. Since their kids wouldn’t give up certain things, such as seeing romantic partners and friends, Kody wanted Janelle to kick them out of her home. Janelle thought this was an awful request and she was right.

Were Kody & Robyn Using The Pandemic As An Excuse To Avoid The Other Wives?

Kody thought he was doing the right thing. However, there’s a lot of cynicism about Kody and Robyn. When it comes to this couple, right from the very start, the red flags have been waving in the breeze, as per the clip shown above. Since they’re so consumed with one another, it’s possible that they used the pandemic as an excuse to be alone together with their children.

During the pandemic, Kody got a long break from polygamy. Since Robyn secretly wanted monogamy, she might have been pushing her mate, encouraging him to be as vigilant about COVID-19 rules as possible. That would damage his relationships with the other wives. It would wreak havoc and get Robyn closer to her ultimate goal – having Kody all to herself. That goal was eventually achieved.

All of this has now backfired. Kody didn’t realize how serious his son’s problems were. Janelle knew that Garrison was troubled, but didn’t know how severe his issues were. Garrison kept some of his feelings private. Of course, if he’d shared everything he was feeling, his parents would have gone out of their way to help him. Janelle, in particular, would have moved heaven and earth to stop this from happening. As soon as she saw a disturbing group text, she became concerned, even though the text wasn’t for her.

Janelle texted Garrison to see if he was okay. They chatted for a while, and then he dropped out of the conversation. That’s when she got someone to check on him.

How Does Robyn Brown Feel Now?

robyn brown sad montage pink and blue tones sister wives

All of this is horrible. Now, Kody and Robyn have to really examine all that they’ve done over the years and why so many people think they ruined their family. They have to live with every single choice and where all their decisions have led. The family issues that plagued the Browns were definitely (at least, partially) Kody and Robyn’s fault. Kody favored Robyn and the plural marriage became a nightmare for the other wives. Children were affected.

It’s all very sad, and now, Kody and Robyn may turn on each other. How can they make peace with everything that’s happened? How can they move on together? The man who derisively called his other wives:


is now contemplating his own words and actions in the deepest and most painful way. Robyn’s probably doing the same thing. If Kody and Robyn stay together, they’ll continue to be considered villains by the fan base. Right now, Janelle’s getting love and support from fans, but Kody isn’t. Fans think that Kody didn’t give Garrison enough love. On one of Kody’s Instagram posts, a fan left a brutal message after Garrison’s passing:

Awful what you said to your son

This fan felt that Kody didn’t give his son emotional support, and this is actually one of the milder comments. Some of them are simply blistering. Sister Wives fans are stopping just short of blaming Kody for the death of his child. That may be extremely unfair, but most do not seem to think that he was a good father to Garrison. So, the guilt and shame that he must be feeling is probably off the charts. Robyn is likely feeling it, too.

Sometimes, she may wonder if the marriage is worth the hate that she gets. Robyn may dream of a life where she’s not public enemy number one. She may want more from life than being a reality TV villain. While Robyn’s shown loyalty to Kody in the past, she’s begun to criticize him more lately. It seems like he loves her more than she loves him.

Kody Brown Probably Has Regrets That Are Making Him Miserable

 Sister Wives star Kody Brown with Meri addressing their split

Garrison is gone and nothing can bring him back. He was a wonderful person who loved his family. Garrison helped animals, was a great pal to his friends, and had a warm and loving personality. Sure, he had problems, but that’s not what anyone should focus on right now. It’s his good qualities that should be remembered.

The kind of pain that drives someone to suicide is unbearable – it’s despair. Depression is real – it’s an epidemic in society. Depression, whether treated or untreated, can kill. People who feel this kind of despair deserve compassion – they don’t deserve judgment. Rest in peace, Garrison.

Right now, it seems like Kody and Robyn are the ones who are getting judged. The Sister Wives stars have a hard road ahead. If Robyn sticks it out, Kody might be okay. If she decides to leave, Kody may feel like he has nothing left.

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